ENGLISHThe month of November has been an enriching journey for our students, fostering critical thinking and creativity. In English, students explored Adverbs and Adverb Clauses, where they learned to craft detailed short stories using these elements effectively. Through practical exercises, they gained a deeper understanding of sentence construction. We also focused on Active and Passive Voice, conducting interactive sentence transformations and group storytelling activities to highlight the impact of voice in writing. This approach allowed students to appreciate the versatility and clarity that each style brings to communication. With "A Visit to Cambridge" by Firdaus Kanga, students reflected on resilience and acceptance, writing diary entries from the narrator’s perspective to connect with the themes personally. Revisiting Article Writing, they analyzed structures and collaborated to draft engaging articles on various topics. The lessons empowered students to communicate effectively, enhancing both their creativity and confidence. CHEMISTRY"A scientist is not a person who gives the right answers; he is the one who asks the right questions."- Claude Levi Strauss The month of November began with the above-mentioned spirit of asking a lot of questions, having diversity in answers, and identifying the correct answers from the list to conclude the discussions. Learners, through the chapter ""Chemical Effects of Current,"" were amazed to know how the process of electroplating is used in our everyday life and is done on almost all metal objects around us. They also understood the difference between electroplating and a similar process called Galvanization. [English integration] The learners also practiced revision worksheets and sample papers for their UT-II. BIOLOGYThe labelled diagram of the Life Cycle of Frog and Life Cycle of Butterfly was drawn by the students in the notebook to understand the concept of metamorphosis. [Art Integration]. The students practiced revision worksheets and sample papers for their UT-II. The chapter "Reaching the Age of Adolescence" was introduced with the help of a case study. The class discussion was conducted on the topic: “Growing up and changing can be exciting and scary at the same time.” [English Integration] PHYSICSEmbarking on a journey through the complexities of the human ear and the science of sound, students delved into the wonders of auditory perception and the significant role sound plays in our lives. They achieved a clearer understanding of the structural intricacies and functional aspects of the human ear. Students thoroughly explored the processes underlying the generation of sound by humans. Clear definitions for various terms related to sound waves, including amplitude, frequency, time period, and wavelength, were provided to them. They delved into an exploration of the distinctive attributes of sound, encompassing elements such as pitch, loudness, and sound quality. Developing the ability to differentiate between various sounds based on their unique characteristics became a focal point of their learning. Moreover, students illuminated the adverse consequences associated with noise pollution, underscoring the importance of awareness and taking appropriate actions. GEOGRAPHY"Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It’s coming up with ideas, testing principles, and perfecting the engineering, as well as final assembly." – James Dyson Chapter: Industries The lesson delved into the distribution and development of major industries, focusing on the iron and steel sector, a backbone of industrialization. Students explored its history, including the founding of these industries, their expansion over time, and their technological advancements. To deepen understanding, a comparative study of the iron and steel industries in Pittsburgh, USA, and Jamshedpur, India was conducted. This analysis highlighted differences in location, resources, technology, and production processes, fostering critical thinking. In addition to theoretical discussions, students engaged in map work by identifying and marking the major iron and ore-producing nations on a political map of the world. This activity emphasized the global importance of the iron and steel industry and its role in connecting economies. For Unit Test (UT) revision, a worksheet was used to reinforce key concepts, while an MS Forms assessment provided an interactive platform for evaluating understanding and application of knowledge. These activities ensured students were well-prepared for their assessments while promoting active engagement and a comprehensive grasp of the chapter’s core themes. HISTORY“Empower a woman, and you uplift an entire community.” Dr. Savitribai Phule Through this topic, students discussed how the 19th and early 20th centuries in India were a time of great social change. Reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar worked tirelessly to improve women’s status, fighting practices like sati and advocating for widow remarriage and education. Women like Savitribai Phule and Pandita Ramabai joined the movement, championing girls’ education and women’s rights. At the same time, social reformers like Jyotirao Phule and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar fought against caste discrimination. They challenged the caste hierarchy, sought equality for the oppressed, and worked towards justice and dignity for all. These movements laid the foundation for a more inclusive society, emphasizing equality and human rights. Though challenges remain, their legacy inspires us to strive for a better future. CIVICS"The judiciary must be strengthened and justice rendered in a timely manner; only then can the Constitution and democracy flourish." – B.R. Ambedkar Chapter: Judiciary In November, the students revisited the chapter ‘Judiciary in India’ to strengthen their understanding of its structure, significance, and pivotal role in upholding the Constitution. Through interactive class discussions, they collaboratively formulated and answered questions based on key concepts. This activity not only reinforced their grasp of the chapter but also encouraged analytical thinking and active participation. The revision process emphasized critical areas such as the hierarchy of courts, the independence of the judiciary, and the role of the judiciary in safeguarding democracy and delivering justice. Students explored the functioning of various courts, the process of judicial review, and the judiciary’s role in protecting fundamental rights, fostering a deeper appreciation for its significance in Indian democracy. To prepare for UT-II, students practiced well-structured revision worksheets that covered the chapter comprehensively. These worksheets provided an opportunity to apply their knowledge, test their understanding, and address any gaps in learning. MATHEMATICSRevision of UT2 UT-II syllabus was revised properly with the help of a revision worksheet which was shared through 'Teams'. The common errors were pointed out and discussed in the class, and students were made to realize their mistakes. Later, the answer scripts were given to the students to take home. Exponents and Powers The chapter was introduced with a concept map of "Laws of Exponents". NCERT questions were discussed in class, and scientific notation was explained with various subject-integrated questions, such as the atomic mass of an element, Earth's distance from various planets, bacteria production, and cell division. HINDIदीपों का पर्व दीवाली मनाने के पश्चात इकाई परीक्षा -२ की तैयारी कराई गई | इकाई परीक्षा लेने के बाद इतिहास विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए वसंत पाठ्य पुस्तक के पाठ -अकबरी लोटा को पढ़ाया गया | पाठ का मुख्य उद्देश्य छात्रों को एतिहासिक वस्तुओं के महत्त्व और अंग्रेज़ों द्वारा उनके संग्रह करने के बारें में जानकारी देना है |पाठ से संबंधित मस्तिष्क मानचित्र बनाते हुए उसकी मौखिक और लिखित परीक्षा ली गई | व्याकरणिक विषय - विलोम शब्द , पर्यायवाची शब्द , श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द , अनेकार्थी शब्द , एकार्थी शब्द और वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द कराए गए | इन विषयों को कराने का मुख्य उद्देश्य छात्रों के भाषिक ज्ञान में वृद्धि करना है | इससे छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान में वृद्धि हुई | व्याकरणिक विषयों से संबंधित गतिविधि भी कराई गई | FRENCHDespite the challenges of online classes and a packed ADP practice schedule, our language sessions have remained both productive and engaging. November saw our students diving into various aspects of language learning. One of the highlights was mastering the Recent Past Tense. Practical examples brought this concept to life, helping students understand its usage in everyday conversations. We also ventured into the world of comparatives and superlatives, where students explored the art of making comparisons. Detailed examples, including notable exceptions, ensured they grasped the nuances of this topic thoroughly. Another exciting area of focus was adverbs, with an emphasis on their strategic placement within sentences. To solidify these learnings, students diligently completed textbook exercises. This comprehensive approach ensured a well-rounded language-learning experience for the UT 2 along with revision worksheet. SPANISHThis month, students engaged with the chapter ¿Qué tal el fin de semana?, where they discussed paragraphs about past weekends, practicing vocabulary and structures related to recounting events. As part of Culture & Civilization, students enjoyed a vibrant presentation on the traditions and festivals of Spain, gaining insights into the country's rich cultural heritage. During online classes, they also attempted an interactive quiz on the Preterite Tense, which reinforced their understanding of this essential grammatical concept in a fun and engaging way. SANSKRITसाहित्यम्- पाठ-9, कन्यां संरक्षेत् पाठय़क्रम च, पाठ - 11, साहित्यसुधा - (पद्यांशावबोधनम्), पाठ -12, अंतर्जालम्, व्यकरणम्- प्रत्ययाः - क्त्वा, ल्यप्, तुमुन्, (पुनरावृत्ति), प्रत्ययाः - क्त, क्तवतु रचनात्मकम् – पत्रलेखनम्और अनुवाद- संशोधनकार्यम् - कारक - उपपद-विभक्तिः (पुनरावृत्ति) का स्पष्टिकरण ITThe best way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.
While learning Python, the students practiced advanced coding using loops. They explored different types of loops such as the for loop, while loop, infinite loop, and the loop-else. They understood that loops help repeat tasks multiple times in programming. Through various programming tasks, they applied their knowledge of loops in practical sessions.
ENGLISHThe month of October has been a remarkable journey for our students. Academically, they tackled diverse topics that encouraged critical thinking and honed their skills. Throughout this month, the students delved into a variety of engaging subjects in English, sparking curiosity and creativity. We began our discussions with "This is Jody's Fawn," exploring themes of friendship and nurturing. Students engaged in a creative activity where they wrote letters from Jody to her fawn, expressing their thoughts and feelings. This exercise fostered empathy and deepened their understanding of the story. In "The School Boy," we examined the challenges of childhood and education. Students shared personal stories of their school experiences in small groups, promoting empathy and resilience. This discussion allowed them to connect personally with the boy’s journey. Next, we delved into tenses, emphasising their importance in storytelling. Students participated in a tense-matching game, where they paired sentences with the correct tense forms. This interactive approach made learning fun and enhanced their grasp of past, present, and future tenses. We concluded with article writing, focusing on structure and engagement. After analysing various articles, students worked in pairs to brainstorm topics and outline their articles. This practical application reinforced their skills and boosted their confidence in writing. BIOLOGYThe teacher explained the two methods of reproduction in animals – Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction, internal and external fertilization, male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs, the process of fertilization and development of foetus in the easy mannerwith the help of PowerPoint presentation and related video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h4tdQxgWP0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FN3jLlT54 PHYSICSThe students began their educational voyage by delving into the section titled 'Sound.' In this chapter, they developed a thorough understanding of how sound is generated. They successfully showcased and elucidated the generation of sound through vibrating objects and its core components by employing practical, real-life examples. They clarified the concept of vibration, illustrating and explaining how sound is produced, demonstrating that sound requires a medium to propagate, and showing that sound can traverse all states of matter. Furthermore, they distinguished between the speeds at which sound travels through various materials and differentiated between different types of sounds based on their distinct characteristics. CHEMISTRYLearners began with a quick recapitulation of their prior knowledge about electric current and free electrons to initiate the concept discussion for the chapter titled- "Chemical Effects of Current". They were thrilled to realise how a small atom and its constituent particles play a huge role in generation of electric current and have immense real life applications through electrical circuits, cells and various effects produced due to flowing electric current. HISTORY“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde Topic: Women, Caste, and Reform Students discussed how in the 19th and 20th centuries, India saw many social reformers working to improve the lives of women and marginalized castes. Leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Jyotirao Phule challenged harmful practices such as child marriage, sati (the burning of widows), and the discrimination faced by lower castes. Reformers also advocated for women’s education, believing that educated women could contribute more to society and lead better lives. These efforts helped bring about important changes, including laws against unfair practices and support for equal rights. While progress has been made, the journey toward equality continues GEOGRAPHY"The industrial revolution has shown that innovation, while a driver of growth, must be balanced with social responsibility." — Andrew Carnegie Chapter: Industries Students embarked on an exploration of the Manufacturing Industries, uncovering essential aspects that shape this sector. Beginning with an introduction to industry classifications, they examined three key dimensions: size, raw material utilization, and ownership. By understanding the diverse scales at which industries operate, from small enterprises to large corporations, students saw how size impacts structure and operation. The analysis of raw material usage highlighted how resources influence the nature and type of industries, while a study of ownership models—ranging from public to private sectors—offered insights into who drives these industries. Building on this foundational knowledge, students delved into the factors influencing industry localization, unravelling why specific regions are conducive to particular industries. They also engaged with broader concepts like the Industrial System and discussed the cautionary lessons from historical industrial disasters, underscoring the importance of safety and sustainability. This comprehensive journey not only broadened students' understanding of manufacturing industries but also instilled a nuanced awareness of industry classification, location determinants, and the responsibilities embedded within the industrial landscape. CIVICS"Justice is the sum of all moral duty." — William Godwin Chapter: Judiciary In October, students delved into the essential workings of the Judiciary in India. They explored how, when laws are violated, a structured set of legal procedures ensures justice for the aggrieved, underscoring the critical role of the judicial system in upholding the rule of law. Students learned about the structure of India’s government, divided into the executive, legislature, and judiciary, with powers vested in the prime minister, parliament, and supreme court, respectively, as per the Constitution. The chapter covered significant topics such as the role and independence of the judiciary, the hierarchical structure of courts, appellate jurisdiction, and various branches of the legal system. Through discussions on Public Interest Litigation (PIL), students reflected on whether equitable access to justice is truly available to all citizens. This exploration offered them valuable insights into the judiciary’s function as a guardian of rights and freedoms. MATHEMATICSChapter: Direct and Inverse Variation Both the method of variations was explained with two different questions. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production was given preference while solving the questions based on consumption and the students were asked to research on how to control the consumption of fossil fuel. Chapter: Mensuration Prior knowledge of the students about 2D and 3D shapes was tested. With practice, the students understood the concept of solid and hollow shapes. Different shapes CUBOID, CUBE AND CYLINDER were also discussed in detail. FRENCHIn October, we reviewed the recent half-yearly exam answer scripts in class to help students understand their mistakes and improve their performance. This allowed them to see where they went wrong and learn from the feedback. We also started learning new grammar topics. The first one was the future simple tense, which is used to talk about future events. Students learned how to form it and were introduced to irregular verbs, like aller (to go) and être (to be), which don't follow the regular patterns. Next, we focused on the recent past tense, or passé récent, which is used to describe things that have just happened. For example, Je viens de manger means "I just ate." Lastly, we studied the comparative and superlative forms. Comparatives help us compare things, like plus grand (bigger), while superlatives show the highest degree, like le meilleur (the best). We also discussed some exceptions, like how bon (good) becomes meilleur (better). SPANISHIn October, students explored movie genres through the chapter "¿Qué tipo de películas te gustan?" and practiced expressing likes and dislikes using adjectives. They were introduced to the topic "Es genial" by watching a video on La Tomatina and discussing key facts about the festival, followed by learning how to describe events in the present tense. They then practiced the Preterito Indefinido with the chapter "¿Qué hiciste el sábado?" and wrote paragraphs about their last weekend. GERMANIn October, our Grade VIII students focused on prepositions of place in the dative case, a key aspect of German grammar. They practiced building conversations to ask about the location of places and people, which helped them develop essential communication skills. One of the highlights was learning how to describe a city in an email, a practical application that made the grammar more relatable. Additionally, the verb "wissen" (to know) was introduced and incorporated into grammar exercises, giving students the opportunity to practice this important verb in various contexts.This combination of real-life scenarios and grammar exercises made learning German both engaging and practical for our students. SANSKRITपाठ -7, वार्तालाप:, पाठ-10, वरं बुद्धिर्न सा विद्या ( पच्ञतन्त्रात्) व्यकरणम्- संख्यावाची शब्द - (१-४, ५-१००) और समय: को स्पष्ट किया गया, साथ ही साथ [रचनात्मकम् – पत्रलेखनम् , संशोधनकार्यम् - अनुवादम् - कारक - उपपद-विभक्तिः- पुनरावृत्ति] की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई। ICTPython is easy to learn since it has a simple syntax that makes it suitable for learning programming as a first language. During the process of learning Python, the students learnt advanced coding using Operators, Algorithm, Flowchart and conditional statements. They learnt about the installation process, features, working modes and data types of the Python language. They realised that any task they perform in their daily routine consists of three steps – Input, Processing and Output. This chapter helped them to perform all these operations with the help of Python programs PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Warm-Up, Jogging Around the Court,Dynamic Stretches: Focus on wrists, shoulders, legs, Footwork Drills, Racket Grip Practice, Forehand Grip, Backhand Grip, Footwork Basics, Shuffling Drill, Front and Back Movement, Shadow Play, Basic Shots Practice, Serve Practice, Clear Shots, Drop Shots, Rally and Control. Swimming: Water Acclimation, Body Position, Streamline Position, Floating, Kicking Fundamentals, Flutter Kick (Freestyle and Backstroke), Arm Movements, Freestyle Stroke, Backstroke Stroke, Alternating arm movement, with each arm lifting out of the water in a straight line, rotating backward in a circular motion, Freestyle Breathing. Gymnastics: Floor exercise round off, bars, swing and support position, vault jumping with spring board. Judo: Ushiro sabaki (Movement), Stretching, Warm up with a mirror game, Exercise, Ushiro Sabaki (Movement), Fun activity (in or out), Cooldown / Meditation. Mae sabaki (Movement), Stretching, General warm up, Fun activity (dodgeball), Cooldown / Meditation. Cricket: Bowling drills, Agility and speed drills, Practice matches, Hand-eye coordination games. Shooting: Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Introduce the timed fire shooting technique, Demonstrate and have students practice shooting at targets within a set time limit,10 shots fire. Fundamentals of the Shoot (Student will learn the followings), Preparation, Aim, Breathing,Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring. Football: Heading & Throwing: skills taught ● Approach,Take off, Hang arch, Landing, Forehead heading in front on ground, Forehead heading with jump. Passing & Receiving: Recap dribbling fundamental. ● Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting & Kicking: Drills to teach: ● In step, Short-distance kicking Attack: Drills to teach ● Dribbling in forward direction, Dribbling with 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. Basketball: Basketball shooting, step back, fake and jump shot, 3*3 format matches, 5*5 format matches. INDIAN MUSICऑक्टोबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार। गीत - वार्षिकोत्सव गीत का अभ्यास । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक LIFE SKILLSStudents explored various coping styles, focusing on ways to manage stress and emotions effectively. As part of Mental Health Month, they engaged in a creative activity, designing posters around the theme Disconnect in a Connected World. Through this activity, they emphasized the concept of "Control the Scroll," reflecting on the impact of digital habits on well-being. This exercise encouraged students to think critically about mindful technology use and to cultivate healthier routines that support emotional balance and connection. The session highlighted the importance of balancing online and offline lives, fostering resilience and self-care in an increasingly digital world.
ENGLISHThe month of August has been a remarkable journey for our students. Academically, they navigated a range of topics that challenged their thinking and sharpened their skills. This month, the students explored a variety of engaging topics in English. Diary Entry: Students learned to use this powerful tool for self-expression to effectively articulate their thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences. Emphasis was placed on the importance of honesty and detail in making a diary entry truly personal and engaging. Creative exercises allowed students to step into different scenarios, imagining how characters from literature or history might have documented their days. “The Summit Within” by Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia: We delved into the psychological aspects of mountaineering. This chapter was not only about reaching the top of a mountain but also about the inner journey one undertakes. Students reflected on their personal “summits” and the internal battles they face in their own lives. They gained insights into perseverance, courage, and the rewards of overcoming obstacles. This directly related to SDG Goal 15: Life on Land, which focuses on preserving ecosystems, forests, and biodiversity. Just as the author recognized the significance of the mountain, we were reminded of the need to value and protect our land and its resources for the future of all living beings. Reported Speech: Students honed their skills in transforming direct speech into indirect speech with accuracy. They practiced changing statements, questions, and commands, paying attention to changes in pronouns, tenses, and word order. These exercises not only sharpened their grammar skills but also improved their ability to convey information accurately and politely. Modals: Revision empowered students to express possibilities, obligations, and abilities with precision. Each topic not only improved their language skills but also encouraged deeper thinking and self-expression. As we wrapped up August, our students gained valuable skills and insights that will serve them well in both their academic and personal lives. SCIENCEPhysics: In August, alongside engaging in Parent Walk-in practices, learners gained a thorough understanding of friction as a fundamental force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. They explored the various factors influencing friction, its different types, and how it can be increased or reduced. This chapter enhanced their grasp of the concept by examining the types of friction and its real-world applications, highlighting both its beneficial and challenging aspects. Through this, students developed a deeper appreciation of friction’s role in everyday life and technology. Chemistry: The discussion of the chapter "Coal and Petroleum" continued in August, where learners studied the extraction, refining, and uses of petroleum products. They learned how crude oil is extracted from the earth and then refined through complex processes like fractional distillation to obtain various products such as petrol, diesel, kerosene, and LPG. Understanding the extraction, refining, and diverse applications of petroleum provided students with a solid foundation in energy resources, while also encouraging them to consider sustainable practices for a cleaner and more efficient future. Biology: During August, while studying the chapter "Conservation of Plants and Animals," learners were introduced to concepts such as wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and biosphere reserves, emphasizing the need for protected areas to conserve species and ecosystems. They explored the critical role that plants and animals play in maintaining ecological balance and the long-term impact of their extinction on human life and the environment. The importance of sustainable practices, afforestation, and reforestation were also discussed as key methods for conserving biodiversity. Learners gained an understanding of the need to protect the planet's flora and fauna for future generations and to maintain the natural balance of our ecosystems, with the knowledge and responsibility to actively participate in conservation efforts. HISTORY“Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom.” – George Washington Carver In August, students focused on the 1857 revolt in India, a significant historical event, and explored its impact and legacy through the topic "When People Revolt—1857 and After." The revolt was not an isolated event but part of a broader pattern of uprisings against colonial powers, aimed at challenging imperial rule and addressing systemic grievances. It remains a powerful reminder of the complexities of resistance and the enduring quest for justice. The revolt reshaped Indian history and left an indelible mark on the global stage, illustrating how revolts can redefine political and social landscapes. Through the topic "Civilising the ‘Native,’ Educating the Nation," students learned that the colonial era was not just a period of economic exploitation and political domination but also a time when colonizers sought to reshape the cultural and intellectual landscape of the colonies. One of the most profound ways this was done was through the introduction of Western education systems. The phrase “civilising the native” encapsulates the colonial mindset, where education was seen as a tool to ‘uplift’ and ‘civilize’ the colonized populations, often at the expense of erasing their indigenous identities and knowledge systems. CIVICS“Out of the performance of duties flow rights, and those who knew and performed their duties naturally acquired their rights.” – Mahatma Gandhi The concept of Parliament is fundamental to modern democratic systems, serving as the primary institution that reflects the values, needs, and aspirations of the people. As part of the ongoing journey to nurture responsible citizens, the chapter "Role of the Parliament" was introduced with an engaging video showcasing a session of the Lok Sabha. This visual representation allowed students to witness firsthand the dynamic debates and discussions that shape India's governance. The lesson began with a comprehensive discussion on why India adopted a parliamentary form of government, highlighting its historical context, the influence of British rule, and its suitability for a diverse nation like India. Students explored the two Houses of Parliament, gaining insights into the composition and distinct roles of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Additionally, the chapter delved into the roles and powers of the President, the Prime Minister, and the Council of Ministers, illustrating how these key figures work in tandem to ensure the smooth functioning of the country. Students were particularly intrigued by the checks and balances that exist between the executive and legislative branches. To deepen their understanding, an interactive activity was conducted where students simulated a mock parliamentary session. This hands-on experience helped them comprehend the legislative process, including how laws are proposed, debated, and passed, giving them a clearer perspective on the importance of active citizenship in a democracy. Through this activity-based study, students not only learned about the structure and function of Parliament but also appreciated its crucial role in shaping the policies and future of the nation. GEOGRAPHY"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness." – Thomas Jefferson In continuing the chapter on Agriculture, students explored diverse agricultural practices and crop patterns across the world, understanding how farming methods are shaped by climatic conditions, soil types, and geographical features. The discussion began with an overview of major types of agriculture, such as subsistence farming, where crops are grown for personal consumption, and commercial farming, which focuses on large-scale production for sale. They also learned how technological advancements, including machinery and irrigation, have transformed agricultural practices over time. The lesson covered various cropping patterns, including Kharif crops like rice and maize grown during the monsoon, Rabi crops such as wheat and barley cultivated in winter, and Zaid crops grown during the short season between Kharif and Rabi. Students also studied agricultural practices like intensive subsistence farming, shifting cultivation, and plantation agriculture, each with distinct characteristics and regional significance. Exploring India’s diverse crop zones, from rice in the east to wheat in the north, provided a deeper understanding of agriculture’s role in supporting the country’s population. They also examined global agricultural zones, such as the American Midwest and Southeast Asia, to understand worldwide patterns. To reinforce their learning, students participated in a map activity, marking key agricultural regions and crop types, which helped them visualize the global distribution of farming. The session concluded with a video highlighting modern agricultural techniques and the challenges of sustainability and food security, prompting meaningful discussions among the students. MATHEMATICSChapter: Introduction to Graph The chapter was introduced using a distance-time graph, integrated with Physics. Students learned how to plot points on a graph sheet, and NCERT questions were discussed in class. They were assessed through a worksheet completed during class. The month concluded with a revision for the half-yearly examination. HINDI"ज्ञान उस दीपक की तरह है जो अंधकार को हटाता है और ज्ञान का प्रकाश फैलाता है |" कबीर जी की साखियाँ जो कि प्रत्येक काल में अपना विशेष अर्थ तथा महत्त्व रखती है कक्षा में समझाई गई | छात्रों को सदमार्ग पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करती है | जया जादवानी द्वारा रचित कविता यह कठिन समय नही के माध्यम से छात्रों ने सीखा कि जीवन में उतार चढाव आते रहते है लेकिन किसी भी परिस्थित में हार मानकर निराश नही होना चाहिए | व्याकरण - संधि के तीन भेद दीर्घ संधि ,गुण संधि ,यण संधि उदाहरण सहित समझाई गई जिससे छात्रों के शब्द भंडार में वृद्धि हुई | भाषा को प्रभावशाली बनाने के लिए मुहावरे तथा लोकोक्तियाँ का प्रयोग तथा अभ्यास कराया गया | रचनात्मक लेखन – छात्रों के रचनात्मक तथा सृजनात्मक कौशल को विकसित करने हेतु संवाद लेखन, विज्ञापन लेखन तथा अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन अभ्यास कराया गया | अगस्त माह में सभी विषयों को एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों द्वारा अपनी प्रतिभा का प्रदर्शन किया गया | इसमें छात्रों द्वारा सन १८५७ के विद्रोह तथा क्रांतिकारियों के बलिदान को प्रस्तुत किया गया | छात्रों के द्वारा प्रस्तुत की गई इस लघु नाटिका ने उन्हें देशभक्ति के पथ पर प्रेरित किया | FRENCHIn August, our students embraced the practical use of cards, honed their vocabulary related to body parts, skillfully described individuals using new words, and grasped the nuances of 'avoir' expressions. Additionally, the distinction between 'savoir' and 'connaître' was clarified, fostering a deeper understanding of the language. Students actively participated in the Parent Walk-In event by welcoming guests with the beautiful song "J'ai dans le cœur" from the movie Le Petit Prince. Class tests were conducted for internal assessments, and revision for the half-yearly examination was also carried out. SPANISHIn August, the class continued exploring the chapter "Mis vacaciones del año pasado," focusing on the use of additional verbs in the Preterite Tense, including temporal markers that frame actions within the Preterite Indefinite Tense. The cultural aspect was highlighted with a study of interesting facts about Cuba. The class also prepared for a Parent Walk-In event. Additionally, they began a new chapter, "¿Quieres ir al cine?," where they learned how to invite a friend for an outing. To further enrich their cultural knowledge, students studied famous personalities from Spain and Latin America. GERMANIn August, students participated in the Parent Walk-In event by welcoming parents with the Thought of the Day on Justice. Academically, the focus was on the Past Tense. Students learned how to describe activities they engage in to stay healthy. An activity on healthy and unhealthy habits helped expand their vocabulary. Revision for the half-yearly examination was conducted using revision sheets. SANSKRITपाठ -४ सुवचनानि, पाठः-६ ईश्वरः यत् करोति- शोभनं करोति, व्यकरणम्- वर्णविचारः, पत्रलेखनम् की विस्तृत व्याख्या की गई। ICTWhen it comes to a piece of design, there are three possible reactions: WOW!, nay, and yes. The goal is to achieve "WOW!" In ICT class, students created web pages and learned advanced HTML tags. They discovered that incorporating pictures, videos, audio, links, and frames could enhance the appearance and impact of their webpages. Students showcased their projects by creating a website about the Ramayana. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed, which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari (the technique for throwing) all fall; Ushiro Ukemi; Mae Ukemi; and Yuko Ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket- Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbbells with one hand, body balance exercises related to balance, i.e., planks, squats, front planks, side planks, and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. INDIAN MUSICअप्रैल - मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने राग केदार मे कृष्णा गीत का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका WESTERN MUSICSong-"Fight Song" and "Sleeping Child" by MLTR. Students will be able to learn pitch skipping, tonality, and singing in unison, individually, or in groups.Learning the time signature,arpeggious along with the melody and different chord changes Instruments used:guitar,piano,drums and congo. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Shree Ram, the students learnt: 1. The dance form: Contemporary 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0,1&2) and source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as Bum roll, Swishes and Stomach Roll. 4. Creation Technique (Construction and De-construction) – A dance routine was taught in the class and using this technique students had to break the pattern of the given sequence and then had to reconstruct any possible permutation and combination. DRAMAWe commenced our new session with an energetic icebreaker, igniting excitement right from the start. This month, our focus areas included: • Concentration Exercises: Progressing from basic to intricate commands to enhance listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: Engaging games like "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" to refine alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Highlighting the significance of being observant both on and off the stage. • "View Outside My Window" Activity: A creative exercise aimed at boosting imagination by describing and envisioning different scenes outside a window. In May, students explored the importance of observation through various games and activities, discovering how it benefits both theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them grasp the concept of observation. During improvisations, they drew upon their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. INDIAN DANCEIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak LIFE SKILLSThis April, the students embarked on the "Me, Myself, and I" quest, diving into self-awareness through fun, gamified lessons. They explored their personalities, strengths, and interests, discovering what makes each of them unique. In May, the focus shifted to "Playing the Role of Me in the Real World." Students learned about social identities, in-groups and out-groups, and the concepts of prejudice and bias. Through role-playing and discussions, they gained insights into navigating social situations with empathy and respect. April and May have been transformative months, helping our students grow as self-aware and socially mindful individuals. VISUAL ARTSStudents were introduced to the Kalighat painting from west bengal. They discussed about the style of painting. Students learned to create lord krishna in kalighat artform by using elements and principles of art.
ENGLISHThe month of July has been a journey with a rich and diverse set of lessons, deepening the understanding and enhancing the skills of the students. The lesson 'Glimpses of the Past' made them travel back in time to explore significant historical events and their impact on society. The students enacted key historical events from the chapter, bringing to life the struggles and resistance of Indians against British rule. Through their performances, they demonstrated a deep understanding of the characters’ emotions and the significance of each event, enhancing their grasp of the historical context. The students created comic strips illustrating pivotal moments of the Revolt of 1857. The comic strips activity effectively captured the essence of the chapter, showcasing students’ creativity and their ability to convey complex ideas through visual storytelling. The students learned to craft effective notices through 'NoticeWriting', ensuring effective communication of important information. The students examined the poem ‘The Last Bargain’ by Rabindra Nath Tagore, delving into its deeper meaning and message. It made them realise the importance of contentment and genuine pleasure above worldly possessions. They were taken on a humorous trip through the complexity of reality, mental and physical health through the narrative ‘Bepin Choudhary and the Lapse of Memory.’ The students examined the psychological subtleties and humour of Bepin Chaudhary as they analysed the character. They enhanced their descriptive abilities by mastering the use of adjectives and prepositions to bring their writing to life. The students learned about the use of different adjectives and prepositions in different situations, also some concepts like adjectival phrases, prepositional phrases and adjectival clauses. The students enjoyed attempting exercises from their Grammar Plus Book to reinforce their knowledge on the same. SCIENCEPhysics: In the month of July, the topic "Pressure" from the Unit-"Force and Pressure" provided learners with a comprehensive understanding of the concept of pressure, its applications, and its significance in various contexts. The topic aimed to elucidate the fundamental principles of pressure and how it affects different states of matter. They have learned about the principles governing pressure in solids, liquids, and gases, as well as the significance of atmospheric pressure. The hands-on activities and experiments have reinforced their theoretical knowledge, enabling them to appreciate the role of pressure in everyday life and various technological advancements. Lab visit: To observe how pressure varies with increasing depth(Pressure in fluids). Chemistry: The chapter, "Coal and Petroleum" introduced and discussed in the month of July, has equipped the learners with a comprehensive understanding of these critical fossil fuels. They have learned about their formation, extraction, and uses, as well as the significant environmental impacts associated with their consumption. The discussions have fostered a deeper appreciation for the need for sustainable energy practices and the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources to protect the environment for future generations. Biology: During the month of July, learners were engaged with an in-depth understanding of the diverse world of microorganisms through the new unit, "Microorganisms: Friend or Foe". The chapter has also equipped the learners with comprehensive knowledge about microorganisms and their dual role in our lives by appreciating the beneficial uses of microorganisms while being aware of the measures to control harmful ones. They got the chance to verify the beneficial role of yeast in our food industries (baking industries) by engaging themselves in the experiential learning of fermentation process wherein all the students kneaded the dough to understand the process and its results. Lab visit: To observe the fermentation of dough using dry yeast granules. HISTORY"Land, then, is not merely soil; it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plans, and animals." - Ibid. Topic: Ruling the Countryside. The month of July witnessed a look back on the British land settlement systems and the Blue Rebellion in India. The British colonial administration in India used systems like the Permanent Settlement, Ryotwari, and Mahalwari to control rural areas, which led to increased commercialization, heavy taxation, and economic strain on peasants. These historical practices highlight the challenges of rural governance. Modern rural administration focuses on decentralization, equitable agricultural reforms, and community involvement to address the needs of rural populations more effectively. Understanding these historical and contemporary approaches provides valuable insights into improving rural governance and support. CIVICS“Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut Ch- Understanding Secularism As the chapter "Secular Vision of Indian Constitution" unfolded, the classroom transformed into a hub of understanding and exploration. Secularism, a core tenet of the Indian Constitution, emerged as a guiding light, helping students grasp the nation's fundamental ethos. The journey into this profound concept began with a thought-provoking activity titled "Are you Secular?" This engaging exercise encouraged students to introspect and reflect on their own beliefs and behaviors, creating a personal connection with the idea of secularism. This practical approach provided a solid foundation for a more nuanced understanding. With their curiosity piqued, the students delved into the literal meaning of "Secularism." The classroom buzzed with anticipation as they explored the layers of this complex term. Through discussion and dialogue, they navigated its significance and implications, gradually uncovering the essence of this cornerstone principle. The exploration extended beyond semantics into the realm of rights and responsibilities. As the students examined fundamental rights, they understood the immense importance of these entitlements, which form the bedrock of citizen empowerment. They discovered that each right is paired with a corresponding responsibility, highlighting the maturity and balance in the Constitution's design. A special focus was placed on the six fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, sparking awareness and engagement among the students. These rights were not just words on a page but pillars supporting democracy and individual freedoms. Amid discussions of rights, the concept of fundamental duties emerged as a crucial element of citizenship. Students realized that while rights empower individuals, responsibilities strengthen society as a whole. The harmony between rights and duties painted a picture of a holistic citizenry contributing to the greater good. GEOGRAPHY"Those who conserve and preserve nature deserve to be part of nature." - Amol Gade Ch- Land Soil Water Natural Vegetation and Wildlife After the summer break, the exploration of resources resumed with renewed enthusiasm. The chapter illuminated the complex world of resources and their conservation, inviting students to dive into topics such as land use, soil types, and water resources, fostering a deeper environmental awareness. The journey began with a deep dive into land use, where students examined the factors that influence how land is utilized. Engaging discussions and a revealing video bridged theoretical concepts with real-world applications, enriching students' understanding of land use dynamics. The focus then shifted to soil, a fundamental resource essential for our survival. The classroom transformed into an interactive learning space as students explored India's diverse soil types. Through discussions and map activities, they learned about the factors affecting soil and the strategies for its conservation. Water resources became the next focal point, with students exploring the significance, sources, and pollution issues associated with water. Videos highlighted the harsh realities of water pollution, sparking a sense of urgency and responsibility among the students. A case study on the "Water Man of India" showcased an inspiring legacy of water conservation. Students investigated his impact and shared their findings through presentations, demonstrating their engagement and understanding. The chapter seamlessly integrated sustainability themes, connecting with Sustainable Development Goal 15. This global perspective emphasized the importance of resource conservation, instilling a sense of stewardship in students. Overall, the chapter transcended traditional classroom learning, combining multimedia, discussions, and hands-on activities to create a comprehensive understanding of resource management. It inspired students to view themselves as guardians of the planet's resources, ready to contribute to a sustainable future. MATHEMATICSAs the curtains rose on the chapter "Understanding Quadrilaterals," a journey of geometric exploration unfolded, guided by the students' prior knowledge of the world of curves and polygons. With curiosity as their compass, they delved into the intricate realm of shapes and their properties. Their familiarity with polygons became a cornerstone for comprehending the diverse universe of Concave and Convex Polygons. Armed with their understanding of regularity and irregularity, the students navigated the landscape of polygons with newfound insight. The class embarked on a quest to uncover the secrets of Interior and Exterior angles within an "n" sided polygon. Armed with pencils and notebooks, they etched down essential notes, capturing the essence of geometric relationships. The revelation of the interplay between exterior angles and polygon sides was a moment of geometric epiphany, a revelation of the invisible threads binding shapes and angles. The mysteries of Angle Sum properties and the enigma of diagonals found their solutions through formulas. Armed with mathematical tools, the students calculated, conjectured, and explored the symphony of numbers that danced within polygons. With a collection of cut-outs adorning their hands, the classroom transformed into a geometric tableau. Trapeziums, kites, and parallelograms were dissected, their properties unraveled with precision. Each type of quadrilateral became a testament to the harmonious dance of sides, angles, and diagonals. As the journey continued, the spotlight shone on the realm of parallelograms. The class delved into the world of rectangles, squares, and rhombuses, unraveling their distinctive properties, each a unique facet of the geometric tapestry. With an interactive approach, the students engaged in exercises, deciphering the mysteries presented by NCERT's thought-provoking questions. In the classroom's embrace, discussions reverberated, thoughts converged, and knowledge expanded. Extra questions became avenues for sharpening their visual and spatial skills, adding depth to their geometric prowess. HINDIगुंजन पाठ्य पुस्तक की कविता- भगवान के डाकिए का पद्यांशअवबोधन किया गया | कविता का मूल सार समझाते हुए विश्व शांति के लिए सद्भावना व एकता की भावना का महत्त्व समझाया गया | कविता का उद्देश्य, स्पष्ट करते हुए उसकी प्रश्नोत्तरी पर चर्चा की गई और इसे सामाजिक अध्ययन से समेकित करते हुए संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ के द्वारा किए गए विश्व शांति कार्य व संस्था का संदेश दिया गया | पाठ - क्या निराश हुआ जाए पाठ के द्वारा देश में उपजी सामाजिक बुराईयों के साथ -साथ अच्छाइयो को भी उजागर करने का संदेश दिया गया | व्याकरणिक विषय सर्वनाम के भेदों से परिचित कराते हुए उसका लिखित अभ्यास कराया गया | अनेकार्थी शब्द तथा श्रुतिसमभिन्नार्थक शब्द का अर्थ , परिभाषा समझाते हुए वाक्य निर्माण का अभ्यास गतिविधि के माध्यम से जिसमे छात्रों को दो समूह में विभाजित करके, पर्ची चुनने का निर्देश दिया गया तथा किसी अन्य छात्र से उस शब्द के अनेकार्थी शब्द एवं श्रुतिसमशब्द व अर्थ पूछे गए | संवाद लेखन- छात्रों को “मंगल ग्रह तथा पृथ्वी ग्रह’’ में होने वाले काल्पनिक संवाद को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए कहा जाएगा | अनौपचारिक पत्र - विज्ञान विषय से समेकित करते हुए पर्यावरण संरक्षण तथा वृक्षारोपण का महत्त्व बताते हुए पत्र लेखन अभ्यास करवाया गया | FRENCHAs the summer break concluded, our students returned with renewed enthusiasm for learning. We began the academic year by initiating the revision process for Unit Test 1, using a comprehensive worksheet to review key concepts. The focus was on grammar, specifically the future tense in its affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms. Students engaged in an activity involving reading an advertisement and answering related questions. Additionally, they learned about various types of cards used in France, enriching their cultural understanding. The lesson was thoroughly practiced with workbook and textbook exercises, ensuring a strong grasp of the topics done. GERMANThe students returned to school refreshed from the summer break. We started the session with reviewing the holiday homework. Using a comprehensive worksheet, we revised chapter 1 for the Unit Test1. Further, chapter 2 was introduced in which the grammar included modal verbs and usage of connector "weil" to state a cause. Reading comprehension exercise was carried out. For written competency, E-Mail writing was taught. Vocabulary on the theme of health was revised through quiz. The lesson was thoroughly practiced with workbook and textbook exercises, ensuring a strong grasp of the topics done. SPANISHIn July, the Spanish lessons focused on several engaging activities related to holidays. The students read and wrote about holidays, enhancing their understanding and expression of the topic. To immerse in Spanish culture, the students learned the names of Spanish-speaking countries, cities in Spain, and famous monuments. To prepare for UT-1, a revision worksheet was shared on Teams and discussed in class. SANSKRITAfter the assessment the class began a new topic by learning how to talk about past actions using the Preterite Tense. Additionally, we explored an extra chapter about Cuba, where students discovered interesting facts about the country. At the end of the month, the class learned how to make a call to organize an outing with a friend. ICTWeb Development Journey: Lists, Tables, and Creative Narratives Exploration: Students embarked on a journey through the virtual landscapes of web development, using HTML and CSS as their tools of creativity. Skills Development: Delved into HTML to understand different types of lists and tables, the building blocks of their digital creativity. Project: Crafted a web page reflecting the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown period on the land. Integration with SDGs: Linked their project to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, focusing on Life on Land. Outcome: Showcased their technical prowess and creativity, demonstrating the potential of ICT to address real-world concerns. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintanance of ground students played indoor Cricket at MPH and practiced Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, single hand holding with 1Kg dumble. Dummy holding with the help of dummy and double hand holding without dumble. Football: Due to maintanance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. INDIAN MUSICजुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने सरस्वती वंदना का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका WESTERN MUSICStudents learned the rhythmic beat of the song “Another Day in Paradise” by Phil Collins using different instruments. They also performed the instrumental piece "Chariots of Fire" at investiture events with various musical instruments as part of their orchestrated performance. The instruments used include guitar, keyboard, piano, drums, rain stick, and chimes. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram, the students learned: 1. The dance form: Contemporary. 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0, 1, & 2), and the source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as bum roll, swishes, and stomach roll. Creation: A dance routine was taught in class on the song "Teri Mitti," incorporating the above techniques. DRAMAIn July, our drama class focused on developing essential skills in voice and speech, crucial for any aspiring performer. Here’s a brief overview of our activities: Core Activities: Breathing Techniques: - Students learned the significance of proper breathing for vocal performance. They practiced deep breathing exercises to improve breath control, vital for vocal strength and clarity. Pitch and Sound Production: - Engaging activities helped students explore how different pitches are created and their role in expressing emotions. They gained insights into the role of breath and resonators in producing sound. Articulation and Speech: - The class focused on converting sound into clear speech, emphasizing articulation and clarity. This practice enhanced their ability to use their voices effectively during performances. Voice Modulation: - Students mastered the art of voice modulation, learning to alter tone and pitch to enrich storytelling. This technique is key to creating engaging and dynamic characters. "Fairy Tale Kingdom" Exercise: - In this creative exercise, students practiced voice modulation to bring different characters to life, highlighting the importance of voice in character portrayal. Improvisation Performances: - Students participated in improvisational exercises, performing various scenarios in front of the class. They used voice modulation to define their characters, showcasing their understanding of how voice can convey different traits and emotions. INDIAN DANCEIn their Indian dance classes, lessons are planned to develop skills in classical dance Kathak. Students are taught the basics of Kathak, including: The structure of Teentaal - Tatkaar in Ekgun, Dugun, and Chaugun - Hastak and movements: Urdhav Hast Chakra, Madhya Hast Chakra, Tal Hast - - Chakra, Suchita, Pushpak, Palta, and Takkar (with three taps) - The lessons are designed to help students collaboratively use Tatkaar and - Hastak in different laya. Dance Style: Kathak Music: Paramparik (Traditional) LIFE SKILLSThe Life Skills module for grades 6 to 8 took students on an enlightening journey into understanding their behavior, motivations, and emotions. Acknowledging the significant impact these elements have on personal growth and social interactions, the module aimed to equip students with the tools to navigate their inner and outer worlds effectively. Throughout the module, students explored the intricacies of self-awareness and the ripple effects of their actions on others. They learned to recognize and manage their emotions, uncover the motivations behind their behaviors, and understand the profound impact of their actions on their peers and environment. Engaging in reflective exercises and real-life scenario discussions, students developed a deeper sense of empathy, self-regulation, and communication skills. VISUAL ARTSFor Grade VI:
Students were introduced to Warli Art, a traditional Indian art form known for its simplicity and unique patterns. They explored rhythm and symmetry, creating stunning designs using tricolors. These artworks will be displayed in an art exhibition on the eve of Independence Day celebrations. For Grade VII: Students explored the art technique Impasto and imitated Vincent van Gogh’s famous Sunflowers painting. Impasto involves applying paint thickly to create a textured, three-dimensional effect. Their works will also be featured in an art exhibition on the eve of Independence Day celebrations. For Grade VIII: Students were introduced to Madhubani Art and geometric landscapes. They learned to enhance their compositions using various shades and hues and enjoyed experimenting with different techniques for mixing colors to create dynamic and expressive artworks. English“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson The class commenced with a discussion on friendship and universal harmony in relation to the chapter "The Best Christmas Present in the World". The theme of the chapter was further extended to the discussion on the futility of war and the aftermath of war. The concept of Sentences and Clauses was introduced to help students understand the types of sentences, question tags, main and subordinate clauses, and their application. Revision exercises were done by the students. The students enjoyed an NIE activity to strengthen their understanding of question tags. While discussing the structure of a sentence, the learners reviewed subjects, helping verbs, main verbs, and objects. The class also engaged in a discussion about Christmas and its relevance in the current times. The poem "The Ant and the Cricket" captivated the young learners. The students understood the moral lesson conveyed by the poem - people who do not plan for their future suffer in the end. The features of a Fable, the underlying theme, tone, and mood of the poem were discussed. The students attempted "Reference to Context" questions for this poem. The topic of determiners and modal auxiliaries and their use in the English language was covered. The students learned about the use of different modals in different situations, such as possibility, probability, past ability, requests, orders, etc. This was followed by note-making in their notebooks with the help of a PowerPoint presentation and a handout. The students enjoyed attempting exercises from their Grammar Plus Book. Revision of all the topics as per the UT syllabus was also done. Science"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems with new angles, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." -Sir Albert Einstien Physics An engaging and enlightening experience, offering a deeper understanding of the physical world around us, learning concepts from the Chapter- Force and Pressure was full of interactive activities, few experiments, and collaborative discussions. These experiences not only deepened the understanding of the concepts but also fostered critical thinking skills and a curiosity to explore further. Learners gained a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of force and pressure in various aspects of daily life, from simple tasks like opening a door to more complex phenomena like weather patterns. Activity: To open and close the door of the class to understand force and push/pull. Activity: To observe that liquids exert pressure. Activity: To observe the effect of depth on pressure exerted by liquids. Biology The Topic-Crop Production and Management was taken up in the class. Learning about crop production and management has been a comprehensive and enlightening journey, offering valuable insights into the complex process of agricultural cultivation and its broader implications for food security and sustainability. Beginning with an introduction to the fundamentals of crop production, the journey started with understanding the basic requirements for plant growth, including soil nutrients, water, sunlight, proper ventilation, overcoming obstacles such as pest infestations or drought conditions required resilience, adaptability, and creative problem-solving skills. Chemistry Learning about Combustion and Flames has been an illuminating journey as one of the most fundamental chemical reactions in our world. Starting with the basics, Iearners gained an understanding of what is combustion and the conditions necessary for combustion to occur, including the presence of fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source. As we delved deeper into the topic, Iearners explored the different types of combustion, fire extinguishers and various zones of flames. Recognizing the importance of responsible fuel use and fire prevention measures underscored the significance of applying scientific knowledge to real-world challenges. Activity: Burning of magnesium ribbon to observe its flame. Social ScienceHistory “For a colonized people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread and, above all, dignity.” -Franz Fanon Chapter- Introduction: How, When and Where Learners gained an understanding of the importance of dates, the role of dates in organizing historical events and their significance in shaping historical narratives. Chapter 2: From Trade to Territory - The Company Establishes Power Learners gained an understanding of The East India Company's progression from trade to territory, as well as its rise to power in India. The Company's entry in India, expansion into Bengal, and the Battles of Plassey and Buxar all played important roles in establishing British political supremacy in India. The rise of the Company officials, who accumulated wealth and power, bred corruption and anger among the locals. The Company's influence spread beyond Bengal through military conquests and strategic alliances. The Company's claims to paramountcy, the Doctrine of Lapse, and the administrative improvements to govern expanding territory were all considered. The Company Army's role in sustaining and strengthening British rule over India was also explored. Civics “Constitution is not a mere lawyers’ document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of the Age."- Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Chapter: The Indian Constitution The chapter began with the introduction of Essential Agreements crafted specifically for the class, serving as a precursor to comprehending the essence of a constitution. A comparative analysis between the Essential Agreements and the Indian Constitution shed light on their shared principles of governance and regulations. Exploring the genesis of the Indian constitution, students shared intriguing facts, enriching the discourse. Essential features of the Constitution, including Federalism, Parliamentary form of government, Separation of Powers, Fundamental Rights, and Secularism, were elucidated through a comprehensive flow chart. An interactive team activity ensued, challenging students to analyze situations related to Fundamental Rights, fostering deeper understanding through enactment. Furthermore, a comparative case study on Nepal's struggle for democracy provided valuable insights. The session culminated with a revision worksheet for UT-1, consolidating learning and preparing students for assessments. Chapter: Understanding Secularism Transitioning to the exploration of Secularism, students embarked on a journey through the features of a secular state bolstered by global examples. Commencing with a reflective question, "Are you Secular?", students engaged in introspection, sharing personal perspectives on religious beliefs. Detailed explanations of Indian Secularism followed, with active student participation enriching the dialogue. Through interactive discussions, students gained a nuanced understanding of secular principles, appreciating India's diverse ethos. Geography "The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value" - Theodore Roosevelt Chapter 1: Resources In the inaugural chapter centered on Resources, students embarked on a journey by collectively defining and exploring the essence of "resources." Through dynamic discussions, they delved into the varied examples of resources, pondering over their significance, usability, and categorization into renewable and nonrenewable types. The session also delved into the vital aspect of human resources, recognizing the pivotal role individuals play in societal development. A highlight was the sustainable development activity, where students brainstormed innovative solutions for resource conservation, showcasing their commitment to environmental stewardship. The class concluded with an engaging dialogue, with students actively participating, exchanging viewpoints, and contributing to a vibrant learning environment. Chapter 2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation, and Wildlife Transitioning to the second chapter, students embarked on an in-depth exploration of various resources, with a specific focus on land and soil. Engaging in thought-provoking discussions, they critically examined the utilization of land and the factors influencing land use changes. Students demonstrated analytical prowess by providing reasoned justifications for different land use scenarios. Moreover, they engaged in research endeavors and proposed strategies for the conservation of land resources, underscoring their commitment to sustainable resource management. The session further delved into the formation of soil, with students unraveling the intricate processes and components involved. A captivating multimedia presentation elucidated the factors shaping soil formation, followed by an exploration of soil layers through a hands-on task. This interactive approach facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the chapter's themes, empowering students to become conscientious stewards of natural resources. MathematicsThe Mathematics session began by reviewing the students' previous knowledge of different types of numbers, including Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, and Rational Numbers. Rational Numbers: The properties of Rational Numbers such as closure, commutativity, associativity, and the distributivity of multiplication over addition, were discussed. Linear equation in one variable: Recapitulation of previous year's concepts on simple equation through a short oral test. With the experience, the students took a revision on the topics - variables, constants, terms, coefficient of the variable and method of solving an equation through transposition. We discussed linear equation with variables on both of its side and also found the way to solve complex linear equations. Data Handling: Raw Data, Primary, and Secondary Data were explained with the help of Google search bars. How the data needs to be organized in a systematic way of presentation, such as Pictograph, Bar graph, Double Bar graph, Frequency, Pie chart, was discussed in class. Exercise questions related to these topics were taught in class. Integrated with ICT. The students were asked to use their grade VII marks with the help of an ICT tool to make a bar graph. The Pie chart was explained with the help of their own schedule time for various activities using an Excel Sheet. Chance and Probability: Getting a result from a Random Experiment, Equally likely outcomes, Linking chances to probability, Outcomes as events, Chance and probability related to real life were explained in class. Probability of a deck of cards, die, and coins were explained as extra questions. Revision of UT1 The students were asked to prepare for UT I. UT I syllabus was revised properly with the help of a revision worksheet which was shared through "Teams". The common errors were pointed out in the class, and students were made to observe and correct their mistakes. Square and square roots: The students were introduced to the topic through a small introductory activity related to their date of birth. The pattern of numbers was explained with the help of NCERT questions, and the square of numbers was discussed using the diagonal method of multiplication. The concept of the square of a number was understood through practice and prior knowledge of factorization. The students also practiced various concepts related to square numbers, such as representing square numbers as the sum of consecutive odd numbers, finding the number of natural numbers between the squares of two consecutive natural numbers, properties of square numbers, finding the unit digit of a square of a number, finding the square root of a number using different methods (subtraction method, prime factorization method, long division method), and finding the square root of decimal numbers. Hindi"शिक्षा एक “सामाजिक आवश्यकता और कार्य है, जीवन और विकास की प्रक्रिया "के रूप में जिसमें सामाजिक और व्यक्तिगत दोनों पहलू शामिल हैं जो एक दूसरे पर परस्पर निर्भर हैं| व्याकरण – पाठ भाषा , बोली , लिपि और व्याकरण के माध्यम से भाषा के महत्त्व का अर्थ,महत्त्व के साथ- साथ राष्ट्रभाषा, राजभाषा,संपर्क भाषा ,मातृभाषा के महत्व को समझकर बोली लिपि तथा व्याकरण के महत्त्व को समझाया गया | पाठ- वर्ण- विचार के अध्ययन से वर्ण-विच्छेद का अभ्यास करवाया गया | पाठ- अनेक शब्दों के स्थान पर एक शब्द का प्रयोग करके भाषा को सरल तथा स्पष्ट रूप से सीखने का अभ्यास करवाया गया | पाठ – संज्ञा के अध्ययन से अपने परिवेश के आस – पास की प्राणीवाचक तथा अप्राणीवाचक वस्तुओं को किसी नाम से जाना जाता है और उनके लिंग तथा वचन को जानने तथा पहचान का अभ्यास करवाया गया | साहित्य–१. पाठ “लाख की चूडियाँ’’ पढने के बाद छात्रों को ज्ञात हुआ कि मशीनीकरण के कारण लघु उद्योग पर इसका गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा है जिससे देश में बेरोजगारी की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी हुई है |इससे बचने के उपायों पर चर्चा की गई | २. पाठ “बस की यात्रा” से छात्रों ने सीखा कि पुरानी रीति – रिवाजो को छोड़कर आगे बढने से ही हम समाज तथा अपना भला कर सकते हैं | जिससे देश के विकास में सहायता हो सकेगी | कविता "दीवानों की हस्ती " के माध्यम से कवि ने समझाया कि जीवन में सुख -दुःख आते रहते है परन्तु प्रत्येक परस्थिति में अपने आप को खुश रखने के लिए मस्ती - माहौल में रहने के लिए उत्साहित किया है | कवि ने कभी क्रान्तिकारियो के उदाहरण से कभी तो कभी स्वंय (कवि के रूप) का उदाहरण देकर लोगों को प्रेरित कर रहे है | | FrenchAs we wrap up the months of April and May, it's exciting to reflect on the diverse and enriching topics we covered, all of which played a crucial role in helping students prepare for their UT 1 syllabus. We began our sessions by establishing essential agreements within the classroom. This collaborative discussion ensured that students understood and contributed to the standards and expectations that would guide our learning environment. Our academic journey kicked off with textbook reading of Lesson 1, accompanied by an in-depth exploration of several key grammar topics. These included: Adverbs of Quantity: Students learned how to use adverbs to describe quantities, enhancing their descriptive skills in French. Imperatives and Interrogation: Through an engaging PPT presentation, we delved into three types of interrogative structures, helping students form questions and commands with ease. Adjective 'Tout': We explored the masculine and feminine forms of the adjective 'tout', providing various examples to solidify understanding. Additionally, we introduced students to practical language skills by teaching them how to identify directions in French, a vital component for navigating everyday conversations and scenarios. Beyond grammar, we enriched our sessions with cultural insights, focusing on the vibrant food culture and various shops in France. This cultural immersion included: Dialogue Reading and Comprehension: Students engaged in reading dialogues, which not only improved their reading skills but also their comprehension of conversational French. As we progressed, we completed Lesson 2, on the topic of quantity. To reinforce all concepts, students worked through textbook exercises of lesson 1 and 2. SpanishApril marks the beginning of our exciting exploration of Spain's rich culture and stunning heritage. In class, we established our essential agreements, introduced Spain's top tourist destinations, discussed important monuments, and highlighted three key cities on the map related with the chapter ¿Qué hay de interés? In continuation with the topic 'Holidays', students learnt how to talk about activities during holidays and the related grammar. https://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-spain/ GermanIn April, we started the chapter " Stefan Wie geht's dir"? Students learnt to name body parts, ailments and remedies in German. They were introduced to the dative case with the phrase " Was tut dur Weh?". In accordance to the SDG - Good Health and Wellbeing students were assigned to make a first aid box. The outcomes of the lessons were that students learnt to ask and give information about the wellbeing of a person, to be able to use basic phrases on the topic of health and to be able to give an order or instruction, and express with the imperative form in grammar. In May, the chapter “Stefan wie geht’s?” was concluded with the learning outcome of how to write an E-Mail. A video on a visit to the doctor was shown. A Role Play activity on the same topic was enacted out. The chapter was concluded with reading comprehension. The outcome of the lessons are that students are capable of conversing on the topic of health and wellbeing. Sanskritपाठ -१ अस्माकं विद्यालयः (गद्याशवबोधनम् अभ्यासप्रश्ना: च) ,वर्णमाला –वर्णविच्छेद, कारक - उपपदविभक्ति: - अव्ययशब्दा: सर्वनाम शब्दरुपाणि- अस्मद् , युष्मद् , किम् , तत् , एतत् भवत्(तीनों लिंगों में) अजन्त शब्दरुपाणि-अकारान्त , आकारान्त , इकारान्त , हलंत शब्दरुपाणि - तकारांत , सकारांत ,नकारांत व्याकरणम् रचनात्मकलेखनम् च – धातुरूपाणि - लट्, लृट्, लङ्, लोटृ, विधिलिङ् लकारा:, - ( पठ्, लिख्, भू, अस्, कृ, दा, पा, दृश्, नी, गै, गम्, नम्) .चित्रवर्णनम् / अनुवाद - इन सभी विषयों को विस्तार से समझाया गयाI सभी छात्र संस्कृत पढ़ते समय बेहद उत्साहित थेI ICT"“Photography is the beauty of life captured.” In ICT classes, the students learnt Photoshop. They learnt different features of Photoshop like selection, cropping, combining the images, blur effect, different color options, retouching tools for removing spot and stains. They learnt Photoshop tools by recognising different tools and they also discussed the used of these tools. Physical EducationBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed, which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari (the technique for throwing) all fall; Ushiro Ukemi; Mae Ukemi; and Yuko Ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket- Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbbells with one hand, body balance exercises related to balance, i.e., planks, squats, front planks, side planks, and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. Indian Musicअप्रैल - मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने राग केदार मे कृष्णा गीत का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेकाअप्रैल - मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने राग केदार मे कृष्णा गीत का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका Western MusicSong-"Fight Song" and "Sleeping Child" by MLTR. Students will be able to learn pitch skipping, tonality, and singing in unison, individually, or in groups.Learning the time signature,arpeggious along with the melody and different chord changes Instruments used:guitar,piano,drums and congo. Western DanceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The dance form: Contemporary 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0,1&2) and source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as Bum roll, Swishes and Stomach Roll. 4. Creation Technique (Construction and De-construction) – A dance routine was taught in the class and using this technique students had to break the pattern of the given sequence and then had to reconstruct any possible permutation and combination. Indian DanceIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak DramaWe commenced our new session with an energetic icebreaker, igniting excitement right from the start. This month, our focus areas included: • Concentration Exercises: Progressing from basic to intricate commands to enhance listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: Engaging games like "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" to refine alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Highlighting the significance of being observant both on and off the stage. • "View Outside My Window" Activity: A creative exercise aimed at boosting imagination by describing and envisioning different scenes outside a window. In May, students explored the importance of observation through various games and activities, discovering how it benefits both theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them grasp the concept of observation. During improvisations, they drew upon their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. Life SkillsThis April, the students embarked on the "Me, Myself, and I" quest, diving into self-awareness through fun, gamified lessons. They explored their personalities, strengths, and interests, discovering what makes each of them unique. In May, the focus shifted to "Playing the Role of Me in the Real World." Students learned about social identities, in-groups and out-groups, and the concepts of prejudice and bias. Through role-playing and discussions, they gained insights into navigating social situations with empathy and respect. April and May have been transformative months, helping our students grow as self-aware and socially mindful individuals. Visual ArtsStudents were introduced to the Kalighat painting from west bengal. They discussed about the style of painting. Students learned to create lord krishna in kalighat artform by using elements and principles of art.
MATHEMATICSComparing Quantities- Ratios: "The relation between two numbers which shows how much bigger one quantity is than another." The concept of ratio was introduced to the students using real-life situations. Percentage: A role play on percentage was conducted as an introduction, where students prepared a scene for a parent-teacher meeting to explain the concept of percentage. Conversion of percentages into values and vice versa was taught in class with the support of NCERT textbook questions. Concepts such as discount percentage, marked price, and sale price were introduced through a role play simulating a market scenario. VAT (GST) and Sales Tax were introduced in class using a purchased bill as a practical example. ENGLISHDuring the cold month of January, leaving the comfort of their blankets, students joined school with an invigorating enthusiasm instilled by the new year. In literature, 'Leaving the Valley' and 'Battle of Blenheim' were completed. The chapter from the novel made them empathize with the plight of Buck, whereas the poem was integrated with SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, through which students recognized the futility of war and the loss of innocent lives. Grammar topic- Voice, was introduced with the help of an activity and practiced from the textbook. SOCIAL SCIENCEHISTORY: Oral and written revisions have commenced for the annual examination. CIVICS: Chapter Public Facilities uses water as a prominent example to illustrate the concept of public facilities. Students are introduced to the concept of public facilities as a whole. The chapter also enables students to understand why the government should essentially oversee the provision of public facilities to ensure their smooth operation. GEOGRAPHY: Ch-5 Human Resources In a recent class on human resources, eighth-grade students embarked on a journey through the intricacies of population dynamics. Our exploration centered on fundamental concepts such as birth rate, death rate, migration, and the natural growth rate. With the aid of population pyramids, students gained a nuanced understanding of population composition, delving into age and gender distributions within different societies. This visual tool proved invaluable in comprehending the complexities of demographic structures and their implications for future trends. A highlight of our discussions was a debate on the topic: "A large population: Asset or Liability?" Divided opinions emerged as students grappled with the multifaceted nature of the issue. On one side, advocates argued that a larger population can be viewed as an asset, fostering economic growth, innovation, and cultural richness. They emphasized the potential demographic dividend that arises from a youthful workforce. Conversely, skeptics voiced concerns about the strains of overpopulation on resources, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion. They cautioned against the risks of unchecked population growth leading to economic instability and social unrest. SCIENCEPHYSICS: Insightful Perspectives: Unraveling the Wonders of the Human Eye and the Braille Revolution In unraveling the mysteries of the human eye and acknowledging the transformative power of the Braille system, students gained a holistic perspective on the intricacies of vision and accessibility. This journey not only deepens their understanding of these topics but also underscores the importance of proactive eye care and inclusive communication methods for a more connected and compassionate world. In February, students showcased their learning through dynamic presentations and engaging activities, adopting innovative approaches like the flipped classroom model. Simultaneously, they geared up for the impending final exams by initiating comprehensive oral and written revision sessions. These preparatory measures laid a solid foundation for the upcoming annual examination, ensuring students are well-equipped to demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the subjects. CHEMISTRTY: Exploring the Wonders of Natural Phenomena: A Flipped Classroom Experience January 2024 started with an exciting and interactive flipped classroom experience on the captivating topic of natural phenomena! Students were engaged in lively discussions about natural phenomena. Through collaborative platforms, the learners created a dynamic learning environment where everyone's opinions were valued, fostering a sense of curiosity and promoting critical thinking skills. Learners utilized technology tools, such as slideshows, videos, or animations, to present their findings and insights. Since natural phenomena surround us every day, and our aim is to connect classroom learning to the real world. Active involvement and enthusiasm have always been the key to a successful flipped classroom, which seemed to be completely resonating in the sessions! BIOLOGY: In January, students discussed the most common endocrinal disorders and symptoms, as well as how these are medically treated. [SDG 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING]. The teacher explained the role of chromosomes in determining the gender of a child. This knowledge helped them to develop healthy attitudes and responsible behavior towards the process of growing up and dealing with gender stereotypes and prejudices. [SDG 6 Gender Equality]. Chapter exercises and question-answers were discussed to assess the understanding of the concepts of the chapter. SANSKRITसंस्कृत – गद्यांशावबोधन , पत्रलेखन, अनुवाद और चित्रवर्णन का अभ्यास कराया गया । छात्रों को पढ़ने , कर्तव्यपथ पर सकारात्मकता के साथ आगे बढ़ाने के लिए प्रेरित करना। चिंतनक्षमता का आत्मविश्वास और संवर्धन करना । गतिविधि – कार्यपत्रिका पर सान्वय श्लोक लिखते हुए उनका अर्थ बताना और श्लोकगायन आधारित प्रस्तुतीकरण कराया गया। शिक्षणोद्देश्य और बहुगुणीय बौद्धिक प्रवीणता - रचनात्मक लेखन के अंतर्गत विचार विश्लेषण की क्षमता प्रदान कर पठन-श्रवण-कौशल और लिङ्ग वचनानुसार पद्यांशावबोधन अनुप्रयोगात्मक पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई । SPANISHThroughout this month, students delved into reflexive verbs, acquiring the skill of discussing the duration of their actions using the formula "Hace + tiempo + que." Additionally, the class explored the topic of professions through a PowerPoint presentation, engaging in an exercise to arrange a conversation. A list of professions was shared, and the students discussed gender-specific changes. Introducing the concept of a healthy lifestyle, students learned to give advice in Spanish using "Hay que…" and "Tienes que…" Students actively participated in creating their pieces of advice. GERMANIn January, students were taught how to ask where an object is and inquire about its whereabouts by using prepositions of place. Furthermore, they learned sentence construction using conjunctions. Grammar syntax was emphasized to facilitate advanced-level sentence formation. Additionally, students submitted a project on describing their room. FRENCHIn January, students were introduced to the past tense, delving into the intricacies of verbs such as "avoir" and "être." The introduction of irregular past participles, exemplified through the mnemonic DR. MRS. VANDERTRAMPP and the "maison d'être," provided a comprehensive understanding of conjugating the past tense with both "avoir" and "être" verbs. Adding a touch of fun to the learning process, students enjoyed decoding SMS short forms, turning language exploration into an enjoyable activity. To enrich their cultural knowledge, our students were also introduced to iconic figures from France. The learning experience was further reinforced through practical application, as students actively participated in textbook exercises, solidifying their grasp of the nuanced topic. PHYSICAL EDUCATUONBadminton: Evaluation of skills, skill demonstration by students, practice with teacher, 11 points match, Knockout matches and match playing. Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, performed on a padded floor mat, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Cricket: Batting Basics, Front foot defence, Backfoot defence, Bowling basics, Pace bowling, spin bowling, Fielding drills, Running between the wickets, Practice Matches to apply all the knowledge. Basketball: Shooting Layups: A fundamental shot where a player drives to the basket and shoots the ball off the backboard or into the hoop and Free Throws Football: Push pass, In step receiving the ball, Outstep Receiving and Chest pass, Kicking; Drills to teach In step, Out step, Chip shot, Short and long-distance kicking. Heading and Throwing and Defense. Swimming: Basic Strokes: Front Crawl (Freestyle), Backstroke Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Fundamentals of the Shoot: Preparation, Aim, Breathing, Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring INDIAN DANCERepublic Day is the day when India marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950. This replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus turning the nation into a republic separate from British Raj. To celebrate the same students learnt a freestyle dance, full of patriotic energy and vibrance. DANCE FORM: Freestyle SONG: Chak De India WESTERN DANCEThe students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Satyamev jayate INDIAN MUSICगायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - देशभक्ति गीत, लोकगीत प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु कक्षा ६ -११ जनवरी माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने गणतंत्र दिवस एवं शहीद दिवस की प्रार्थना सभा मे उत्साहवर्धक गीत का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । WESTERN MUSICSongs: Imagine by John Lennon. Students learnt to express their ability to convey emotion and expression through singing. Music interpretation, performance confidence, ear training, improvisation, versatility were also practised. Instruments used: Guitar, drums, piano, keyboard Music software- DAW DRAMAStudents delved into the exploration of "Navrasa" encompassing Shringara (love/beauty), Hasya (laughter), Karuna (sorrow), Raudra (anger), Veera (heroism/courage), Bhayanaka (terror/fear), Bibhatsa (disgust), Adbutha (surprise/wonder), Shantha (peace or tranquility). • The comprehension of Navrasa and its role in characterization became apparent through the learning process. • Students gained insights into various levels of emotions and expressions, actively engaging in practical exercises such as emotional circles and emotional walks. • Through "One group, one emotion" improvisations, students honed their understanding of characterization by connecting it with a range of emotions. VISUAL ARTSStudents were introduced to monument drawing using perspective study. They learnt to draw parliament house composition. Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, scale, drawing sheet. Learning Outcome: Art history, Development of observatory and motor skills, colouring, blending fine line drawing. SDG:11 – Sustainable cities and communities
MATHEMATICSChapter: Algebraic Expressions Recapitulation of the previous year's concept on Algebraic expression through a short oral test. With the experience, we took the revision on the topic’s variables, constant, terms, coefficient of the variable. Expressions, terms, factors, and coefficients, Types of Algebraic expressions, like and Unlike terms, Addition and subtraction of Algebraic expressions, Multiplication of types of Algebraic expression were taught in the class with the help of NCERT Text Exercise questions. Factorisation: Introduction - Factors of natural numbers, Factors of algebraic expressions were taught in the class with the help of NCERT Text exercise questions. What is Factorization? - Method of common factors, Factorization by regrouping terms, Factorisation using identities, Division of Algebraic Expressions, Division of a monomial by another monomial, Division of a polynomial by a monomial, Division of Algebraic Expressions Continued (Polynomial ÷ Polynomial) were discussed in the class with the help of NCERT Text Exercise questions and Extra questions. ENGLISH"True inclusion is not just about diversity of faces; it's about the diversity of thoughts, perspectives, and contributions embraced with open arms." Literature: Students ventured into the lanes of literature and completed two units. 'A Visit to Cambridge' made the students realize how grateful they are to be able to move around, and they empathized with people with disabilities. They appreciated the brilliant minds of Stephen Hawking and Firdaus Kanga. This unit taught the students the value of inclusion. In 'A Short Monsoon Diary,' students analyzed the use of sensory and figurative language in prose paragraphs. Students felt the beauty of Mussoorie and Landour through Ruskin Bond's words. They were advised to use such language to make their creative writing more vibrant. Grammar: Students practiced VOICE and recapitulated the concept through a chapter-end assessment. SOCIAL SCIENCEHISTORY: Chapter: Women, Caste, and Reform In the month of December, the topics discussed in class were: • Working Towards Change • Girls Begin Going to School • Women Write about Women • Caste and Social Reform • Demands for Equality and Justice • Gulamgiri • Who Could Enter Temples? • The Non-Brahman Movement After studying the chapter, students are able to discuss why so many methods of reformers focused on the women’s question, outline the history of consent, new laws that affect women’s lives, and illustrate how autobiographies, biographies, and other literature can be used to reconstruct the histories of women. CIVICS: Chapter: Understanding Marginalisation In the month of December, the topics discussed in class were: • What Does it Mean to be Socially Marginalised? • Who are Adivasis? • Adivasis and Stereotyping • Adivasis and Development • Minorities and Marginalisation After studying the chapter, students are able to understand the national goals like justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, etc., realize the problems faced by the marginalized groups like Adivasis, etc., create awareness about the provisions made in the constitutions for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other backward classes, realize the condition of the minority groups in India, and understand the existence and expression of social diversity in democracy. GEOGRAPHY: Exploring Human Resources: Students recently delved into the captivating realm of Human Resources, where they extensively discussed and absorbed insights into population distribution and density. A video was also shown to them. The exploration extended to understanding the various factors influencing population distribution, including Physical Factors, Economic Factors, and Socio-Cultural Factors. This comprehensive journey provided a holistic view of the dynamic interplay shaping our understanding of human resources. Link to YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJTq2lNUWmg SCIENCE |
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